Zero-Waste Blog

Everything you need to kick start your sustainability journey!

Eat the Rainbow: The Benefits of Eating Colour

Eat the Rainbow: The Benefits of Eating Colour

Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables ensures a balanced diet rich in unique phytonutrients. Each color offers specific health benefits so try adding red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and brown into your next meals.
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9 Easy Changes to Boost Nutrition Today. Why Wait?

9 Easy Changes to Boost Nutrition Today. Why Wait?

Want to elevate your diet with minimal effort? Try these easy tweaks to your existing meals and routines. 
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Unlock the Benefits of Herbal Teas: From Digestion to Detox

Unlock the Benefits of Herbal Teas: From Digestion to Detox

Unlock the power of herbal teas for improved health and well-being. Learn about their digestive benefits, relaxation properties, and detoxification support. Discover how to choose the right blend for your needs and brew the perfect cup for ultimate enjoyment.
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The Buzz On Why We All Need Bees

The Buzz On Why We All Need Bees

Bees truely are nature's unsung heroes! Not only are they the source of amazing honey with its associated health benefits but even more importantly they are key to over a third of our global food supply.
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Discovering Marseille Soap: Nature's Gift for Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Discovering Marseille Soap: Nature's Gift for Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Discover the many uses of Marseille Soap so you can embrace its natural power and Elevate your daily routine using this all-in-one solution for the house, your skin, and even cleaning your pets.

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Branch Out - 5 Ideas to spend time among the Trees

Branch Out - 5 Ideas to spend time among the Trees

Are you craving some time in nature? If so, the UK offers numerous opportunities to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of trees. From scenic hikes to tranquil nature retreats, there's something for everyone to enjoy among the trees
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Hidden Dangers: Are harmful Chemicals lurking in your cleaning products?

Hidden Dangers: Are harmful Chemicals lurking in your cleaning products?

Our household cleaning products may contain harmful chemicals that pose health risks and are damaging to the environment. Now more than ever it's vital to be informed,  aware and where we can choose safer alternatives.
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DIY Cleaning Hacks: Only 5 Ingredients for a Spotless Home

DIY Cleaning Hacks: Only 5 Ingredients for a Spotless Home

Do you REALLY need a specific cleaner for the kitchen, bathroom, or other surfaces throughout the house?. Not necessarily! What if I told you that you could make most of your household cleaning products yourself using only four ingredients?

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Cashew Nut Plant

Interesting Facts You (Probably) Didn't Know About Nuts

We take a fun look at one of our most popular categories, Nuts! Bet you didn't know these short fun facts about Nuts
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How to Eat Seasonally and Locally in the UK

How to Eat Seasonally and Locally in the UK

Discover the benefits of seasonal and local food shopping in the UK, including better taste, nutrition, and reduced carbon footprint. Learn what fruits and vegetables are in season with this guide.
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Kitchen Swaps to Eliminate Plastic

Kitchen Swaps to Eliminate Plastic

Our homes are often flooded with unnecessary plastic waste, prominently seen in grocery shopping, from packaging to pre-prepared foods. While single-use plastics are a known issue we look at the more permanent, multi-use plastics in our homes, particularly in the kitchen, and explore the alternatives.
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Introduction to Permaculture

Introduction to Permaculture

Much more than just a gardening technique, Permaculture is a philosophy for a sustainable way of life. It's core principles of Care for the earth, Care for people, and Fair Share provide a blueprint for sustainable living and is more applicable to your daily life than you may think.
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