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SKU: 602005

Coriander Whole

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Whole coriander seeds are small orbs of flavour. Warm and citrussy, they are a staple for Indian cuisine and are perfect in curries. Incredibly versatile, they mix well with other flavours and spices. Toast mustard seeds in a pan on a medium heat before cooking to release the true depth of their flavour.


Whole Coriander Seeds


No Known Allergens.

All our products may contain traces of allergens due to cross contamination.

Country of Origin


How to Use

Coriander seeds can be ground and are found in sweet mixed spice blends for cakes and biscuits as well as being used to thicken and flavour curries.

Storage and Shelf Life

Store in an air tight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Up to 12 months when stored as above.